‘Me and my mother and the babies, we live in a hut, in a room, next to the canal. We have nothing. We only wish for my father to come and live with us again. You see my foot?’ She pointed to her left foot. Startled, Dilawar now saw she had only four toes. ‘One night when I was small, a rat ate my little toe in the night. That is how we live. But it is OK. I am good at selling flowers.’

It was in 2011 that I watched the documentary The Day My God Died. I blogged about it shortly thereafter. Seven years later, after a number of false starts, my story inspired by the film sees the light of day.

dfw-rm-sad-cover-3dIt’s not a book that you may wish to read. It’s disturbing though not graphic. But, knowing that – as individuals – we are powerless to halt human trafficking, I felt impelled to write on the subject. If it helps to raise awareness then who knows, it might do some good.

Kindle e-book at the moment, paperback to follow shortly.
United Kingdom – https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07KV4SJX9
United States – https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07KV4SJX9
India (where much of the story is set) – https://www.amazon.in/dp/B07KV4SJX9