And so finally to my favourite corner of the paranormal spectrum – the corner where beings exist outside our human world but who now and again wander into it. We are no nearer really to understanding how these beings manifest but we do know, 100%, that there is plenty going on.

Few people have actually seen a ghost. The most you’ll usually get is a partial, perhaps a short-lived mist, a shadow, a tantalising glimpse of…something. Of course this you’ll probably put down to tiredness, an over-active imagination. The ever-sceptical will agree and that there’s “nothing to see here, ghosts don’t exist.”

But lack of a visual sighting is hardly conclusive proof of non-existence – how about shock waves, electricity, gravity, the glow of flowers. This last perhaps gives us a clue to the spirit world. Each of us has an ‘aura’, an energy which we emit. You can quite easily see, with a little practice, your own aura, or that of others. (I won’t go into the world of chakras here.) Now, in simple terms, it is thought by many that, when we die, this energy may live on as the soul or spirit of the departed. Belief in this phenomena goes back to pre-history and there have been many manifestations. Spiritualism and other practices are founded on the premise that the dead live on in spirit form. You may not see or hear them but they may be there.

Ghosts and spirits got a bad rap during the Victorian era when there was a craze for seances, ouija boards and the like, where mediums tried to contact the spirits of the departed. More than a few charlatans got in on the act and gave these activities a bad name.

Today however, while not exactly mainstream, there are ghost-hunting clubs whose members treat sightings (not always visual) as almost routine. Old buildings are where they are normally found, suggesting that some ghosts at least are location-related. And there are certainly some folk who, whether they like it or not, are more receptive to spirit contact. These ‘mediums’, as well as responsible ghost hunters, are often the best introduction for us ordinary folk to investigate the subject.

Are ghosts scary? Unless you are Scooby-Doo, not really. Ghosts and spirits generally don’t mean to be scary. Speak to them with respect and they’ll respond in kind. But trust your feelings – if you get a feeling of dread or fear, back off.

If you have an interest in the subject, take a look at the excellent magazine Haunted.

Most haunted places in the UK – by Time Out

  • Aston Hall, Birmingham
  • Pendle Hill, Lancashire
  • Margam Country Park, West Glamorgan
  • Manningtree, Essex
  • Skirrid Mountain Inn, Monmouthshire
  • Berry Pomeroy Castle, Devon
  • Whitby Abbey, Yorkshire
  • Duntulm Castle, Isle of Skye
  • Pluckley, Kent
  • Blickling Hall, Norfolk

And in the USA (Travel Channel)

  • Moundsville Penitentiary, WV
  • Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum, WV
  • Villisca Axe Murder House, IA
  • Sammie Dean, Jerome, AZ
  • Cuban Club, Tampa, FL
  • Fort Mifflin, PA
  • Moon River Brewery, Savannah, GA
  • The Sultan’s Palace, New Orleans, LA
  • Calcasieu Courthouse, Lake Charles, LA
  • Eastern State Penitentiary, Philadelphia, PA

Jersey, Channel Islands
So I admit I am the most non-sensitive person when it comes to these matters. But I do know a few people. I’ve also invested in a cheap and cheerful EMF detector, a basic item for amateur ghost hunters. Whilst I readily admit the limitations of these devices I have had (and allowing for possible interference from electric wiring, cabling, and equipment) some startling results. Here are three.

  • Hamptonne House, St Lawrence. 100% at least one spirit, and a visiting medium was pretty overwhelmed by the ‘activity’.
  • Mont Orgueil, Tudor Great Hall. Maybe one wandering spirit though there have been numerous reports down the years of other strange happenings throughout the castle. A written testimony to be found at Jersey Archive, undated but probably from the 1970s, bears witness to a series of startling events experienced by staff there.
  • Name and location redacted – the site of a historic and brutal murder. This is in open countryside away from any buildings or power cables. My EMF detector invariably picks up strong signals where the body was found which gradually fade away when walking away from the site in question.

I do think that certain spirits react positively to those who both acknowledge and respect them. They’re certainly not scary and I feel privileged.

And so that’s the end of this little mini-series. Hope you enjoyed and thank you for any observations and comments.