I feel like I’ve finally joined the ranks of ‘proper’ indie authors. My 2010 running novel Barry has made its bow onto the  (very crowded) worldwide  stage. Last night it appeared on Amazon Kindle and it is now available to purchase and download.

I took the easy peasy route. First of all I didn’t have direct access to the final text  file. I was therefore unable to go the self-conversion road and battle my way through the process of uploading a clean mobi file. In any case have read too many stories about the difficulties involved (though I believe these are becoming fewer day by day). I’ve little patience with technical matters anyway.

So I did what I’ve always done when faced with a task out of my comfort zone – I paid a little man to do it. And for £125, though expensive enough, I had a perfect and painless mobi file and even I managed to complete the KDP publication process from there.

Midsummer and Tess ought to follow shortly but for now, if you fancy an entertaining read, based around running but moving into areas that surprised even me, go to the Barry – The Novel tab above.